Hot flashes and night sweats
Does This Last Forever?
You are in good company! 75% of women in menopause will experience hot flashes. These may last a few months to more than 10 years! The mechanism behind hot flashes has to do with low estrogen levels effecting the "thermostat" in our brain. The are in which we are comfortable becomes very narrow and can be triggered to exit that narrow band with certain triggers. Hormone replacement therapy is currently the most effect way to treat these annoying flushes. There are new medications that work directly on the "thermostat" being explored now. I'll update this site as they become available! Not all women are good candidates for Hormones. Identifying triggers can be very helpful. Common triggers include alcohol, caffeine, spicy food, hot weather, and stress.
Breathing technique for hot flashes:
Slowly count to four while inhaling through the nose and feel the abdomen rise. Hold that breath for a second. Then, slowly count to four while exhaling through the mouth—let the abdomen slowly fall. Repeat this exercise for 15 minutes twice a day at the beginning of a hot flash.